Shé Hawke

Proposed Title

Seeking Matrology


Principal Supervisor: Holly Randell-Moon
Co-Supervisor: Jonathan Cole


This project is invested in re discovering the key women leaders of the early Christian Church to enable equity in Christian history and patristics.

Why I chose Charles Sturt

I had completed a Graduate Diploma of Theology out of which emerged some big questions about gender inequity in antiquity and the way church history is taught in modern times.


I am the HDR representative on the FOAE Research Committee 2024.


ORCID 0000-0001-5709-7884

2023 Hawke, Shé, M. “The Liberating Theology of a Planet’s Beneficence: A Possibility”, in Special 10th Anniversary Issue of Visions for Sustainability. Solstice December 2023. Vol. 20, No. 2 Pp. 497-514.

2021 Hawke, Shé Mackenzie “Re-evaluating the Role of Early Church Women as non-heretical, but Holy” In ETIAM - Revista Agustiniana de Pensamiento - ISSN 1851-2682 impreso // ISSNe 2781- 6296 Vol. XV Nro. 16. Pp. 93-119.

2020 Hawke, Shé. ‘Seeking Matrology: A Reconsideration of the Under-/Misrepresentation of Early Church Women’ Studies in Spirituality Vol.30, 229-251. doi: 10.2143/SIS.30.0.0000000 Peeters Publishers, Belgium.

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