Lucie Zundans-Fraser

Deputy Dean

Professor Lucie Zundans-Fraser

BA (MU); DipEd (MU); GCULM (CSU); MEd: Special Education (USyd); MA (MU); MEd: Gifted & Talented (UNE); PhD (CSU)

Deputy Dean
Building 1430 Room G2

Lucie is currently Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Arts and Education at Charles Sturt University. Previous leadership roles include Head of School for the School of Teacher Education and Associate Head of School (Staffing and Sessional Support).

Her research examines leadership in higher education, higher education course, and subject design, pre-service teachers and their understandings of inclusion, and the use of evidence-based pedagogies.

Lucie is the recipient of two national and multiple institutional teaching excellence awards.

Research Funding

  • Zundans-Fraser, L., Letts, W., Clarke, D., Winslade, M., & Ayrton, A. (2016). Denison Hub project. ($250,000). NSW Department of Education and Training.
  • Zundans-Fraser, L. (2015).uImagine Online Learning Model pilots ($5,000).
  • Zundans-Fraser, L. (2015). Charles Sturt University writing up award. ($5,000).
  • Bain, A, Zundans, L., McDonagh, S., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Special Education Teacher Retraining and Accelerated Teacher Training Program for the NSW Department of Education and Training Program ($500,000).
  • Bain, A. (CI), Zundans, L., Lancaster, J., Auhl, G. & McDonagh, S. (2008) Building the professional capacity of graduate inclusive educators and course development communities with a theory and practice of course design. Successful Faculty Innovation Grant application 2008-2010 ($26,000).
  • Bain, A, Zundans, L., McDonagh, S., & Lancaster, J. (2005). Special Education Teacher Retraining and Accelerated Teacher Training Program for the NSW Department of Education and Training Program ($500,000).
  • Zundans, L. (2005). Australian Government grant for further study in gifted education($10,000).
  • Bain, A., Lancaster, J., McDonagh, S. & Zundans, L. (2005).  Faculty of Education Research and Development Fund Inclusive Education Research and Development Grant ($20,000).
  • Bain, A, Zundans, L., McDonagh, S., & Lancaster, J. (2004). Catholic Education Office, Parramatta – Design, Retraining and Research Inclusive Education Teachers ($80,000).
  • Bain, A. (CI), Lancaster, J., Parkes, R. and Zundans, L. (2004). CELT Scholarship in Teaching for Technology Tools for Inclusion: The role of curriculum authoring and feedback tools in preparing inclusive education teachers ($10,000).
  • Reid, J., Simpson, T. & Zundans, L. (2003-2004). RIPPLE grant -Examining discourses of exclusion for remote and Indigenous students ($5,000).


Lucie is the first CSU academic staff member to receive national teaching award citations (Australian Award for University Teaching) for outstanding contribution to student learning as both an individual and team member. In 2012 she was awarded an individual citation For sustained teaching expertise in inclusive education and child development that engages, challenges and inspires student learning. In 2013, as a member of the Inclusive Education Team, the team was awarded a citation For sustained commitment to capacity building, change agency and bringing research to scale through evidence-based approaches to educational design, learning and teaching in Inclusive Education.

Teaching Awards

  • 2019 – Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)
  • 2013 – Australian Award for University Teaching (OLT) – team award (Bain, Zundans-Fraser, McDonagh, Lancaster, Auhl & Newell)
  • 2013 -  Faculty of Education Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (team award) - with the Inclusive Education Team (Zundans-Fraser, McDonagh, Lancaster, Auhl & Newell)
  • 2012 – Australian Award for University Teaching (OLT)
  • 2007 – Vice Chancellor's Teaching Excellence Award (CSU)
  • 2007 – Faculty of Education Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2006 – Faculty of Education Team Teaching Excellence Award – with the Inclusive Education Team (Bain, Lancaster, McDonagh, Newell & Zundans)

Teaching Areas

  • Inclusive education
  • Course and curriculum design
  • Child development
  • Gifted education

Professional Engagement

  • Australian Association of Research in Education (AARE)
  • Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA)


Bain, A., & Zundans-Fraser, L. (2017). The self-organizing university. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

Bain, A., & Zundans-Fraser, L. (2016). Rising to the challenge of transforming higher education: Designing universities for learning and teaching. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

Book Chapters

Zundans-Fraser, L., Hill, B., & Bain, A. (2018). “Strong foundations, stronger futures: Using theory-based design to embed Indigenous Australian content in a teacher education programme”. In Paul Whitinui, Maria del Carmen Rodriguez de France and Onowa McIvor (eds.) Promising practices in indigenous teacher education, Singapore: Springer.

Auhl, G., Gainsford, A., Zundans-Fraser, L., & Hill, B. (2018). “Indigenous cultural competence: The why, what, who and how of building coherent courses in teacher education”. In Paul Whitinui, Maria del Carmen Rodriguez de France and Onowa McIvor (eds.) Promising practices in indigenous teacher education, Singapore: Springer.

Peer-Reviewed Publications – recent (Full list available)

Zundans-Fraser, L. (under review). Rising to the challenge of learning and teaching leadership: An Australian experience. In Rao, N., & Hosein, A. (eds.) Leadership in learning and teaching in higher education: Academics’ teaching journeys

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Bain, A. (2020). Making a difference to the student experience through purposeful course design. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 45(8), 58-74. doi: 10.14221/ajte.2020v45n8.4

Hyndman, B., & Zundans-Fraser, L. (2020). Determining public perceptions

of a proposed national heat protection policy for Australian schools. Health Promotion Journal of Australia

Zundans-Fraser, L. & Letts, W. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) School-University Partnerships: Understanding and Strengthening Relationships Through Professional Experience [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Letts, W.(2019). School-university partnerships: Strengthening professional experience relationships. Transform – The Journal of Engaged Scholarship, 4, 50-52

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Auhl, G. (2016). A theory-driven approach to course design in inclusive education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(3), 140-157.

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Bain, A. (2016). How do institutional practices for program design and review address areas of need in higher education. Higher Education Research and Development. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2015.1137883

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Bain, A. (2015).The role of collaboration in a comprehensive programme design process in inclusive education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 20(2), 136-148 doi: 10.1080/13603116.2015.1075610

Zundans-Fraser, L. (2014). Self-organisation in course design: A collaborative, theory-based approach to course development in inclusive education. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Charles Sturt University, Bathurst.

Bain, A., & Zundans-Fraser, L. (2014). Smart learning: Theory and research to practice. Bathurst, Charles Sturt University.

Wood, D., & Zundans-Fraser, L. (2013). Reaching out: Overcoming distance and supporting rural gifted students through educational opportunities. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 22(1), 42-50.

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Lancaster, J. (2012). Enhancing the inclusive self-efficacy of pre-service teachers through embedded course design. Education Research International, Volume 2012,

Reports and Online Features

Zundans-Fraser, L. (2016, February). Bridging the gap for students with disabilities. ParentHub Retrieved from

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Bain, A. (2015). Early adopting courses evaluation report 2: Smart learning pp. 1- 89. Bathurst, NSW: Charles Sturt University

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Bain, A. (2014). Early adopting courses evaluation report 1: Smart learning and smart tools professional development feedback. pp. 1-51. Bathurst, NSW: Charles Sturt University

Bain, A., McDonagh, S., Zundans, L., Lancaster, J., & Auhl, G. (2010). Submission to the NSW government parliamentary inquiry: The provision of education to students with a disability or special needs. Submission No.269: NSW Government

Keynote Addresses, Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations, and Seminars - recent

Zundans-Fraser, L. & Letts, W. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) School-University Partnerships: Understanding and Strengthening Relationships Through Professional Experience [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)

Zundans-Fraser, L. (2019). Geographies of exclusion. AARE, Brisbane, 2-5th December.

Zundans-Fraser, L. (2019). Creating the conditions for effective distributed leadership in higher education learning and teaching.BERA, Manchester, 10-12th September.

Zundans-Fraser, L., Letts, W., & Burgess, C. (2019). The naked truth about leading cultural change at an Australian higher education institution.BERA, Manchester, 10-12th September.

Zundans-Fraser, L. (2018). The current state of inclusive education: Where to in the future? Keynote address at the Australian Independent Schools Directors and Learning and Teaching Leaders Conference, Coffs Harbour, 28-30 October.

Hyndman, B., & Zundans-Fraser, L. (2018). Determining public perceptions of national heat protection policy for Australian schools. AARE, Sydney, 2-6 December.

Zundans-Fraser, L. (2017). Institutional and national recognition for teaching excellence. Faculty of Arts and Education Learning and Teaching Symposium, Albury, 5-7th December.

Clarke, D., Winslade, M., Ayrton, A., Letts, W., Zundans-Fraser, L., & Tribolet, K. (2017). The politics of school-university partnerships: Reconceptualising reciprocity in initial teacher education professional experience. AARE, Canberra, 26-30 November.

Winslade, M., Clarke, D., Ayrton, A., Letts, W., Zundans-Fraser, L., & Tribolet, K. (2017). Developing high quality school - university partnerships through evidence based collaborative projects. AARE, Canberra, 26-30 November.

Wood, D., & Zundans-Fraser, L. (2016). Setting a baseline in the gifted education landscape. AAEGT, UNSW: Sydney.

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Wood, D. (2015). Standards in gifted education. AARE, Fremantle.

Zundans-Fraser, L. (2014). The role of collaboration in a comprehensive course design process in inclusive education AARE, Brisbane.

Zundans-Fraser, L., & Auhl, G. (2013). Impacting inclusive education: A theory-driven approach to subject design ATEA, Brisbane.