About us

We're a research group which produces and disseminates work on the role of the professions in modern society.

Professions and the bodies that represent them were once, in effect, guilds serving to protect the interests of members who provided a well-specified set of services to society. In recent decades society has placed new demands on professions. It now expects professions to abide by societally endorsed codes of ethics, ensure that members do not discriminate against any clients, and ensure that professional services are provided to all requiring them. For the most part the professions have adapted to meet these societal demands. New and emerging challenges will require many of the professions to change much further.

The key research topics we focus on are:

  • The global COVID-19 pandemic and potential future pandemics.
  • An aging population.
  • An information age.
  • Conscience and the rising demand for religious freedom.

The group was established by the STURT SCHEME and is supported by the Faculty of Arts and Education at Charles Sturt University.

The group is interested all emerging challenges faced by the professions. However, we have particular research strengths in:

  • Practical & Applied Ethics
  • Environmental & Social Justice
  • Library & Information Studies